2022 BAMCAL February Round-up
February brought 2 contrasting 12 inch squares to the BAMCAL.
First up was a brand new square ‘Distraction Granny Square’ designed for us by Rhonnda Mol. It is another one of those squares that if made in quantity creates optical illusions. The pattern is available as a paid Ravelry ad-free download or on Rhonnda’s website.
Then from the archives, the members choice the flouncy Cow Parsley Square by moderator Lettice Rose. The pattern uses a traditional Queen Anne’s Lace technique to emulate the pervasive UK hedgerow wild flower. It is available as a Ravelry download.
And our smaller 6 inch pattern was Rowing Square 1 by Desire Fourie. This one is also available as a Ravelry download or via a private Facebook group for a Lapghan featuring 2 Rowing squares.
Distraction by Rhonnda Mol
Cow Parsley Square by Lettice Rose
Rowing Square 1 by Desire Fourie